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We just went for DimSum on Sunday. What are those football shaped ones? They are kind of Chewy but soft and filled with pork? I love those but never know the name.

I love Turnip cake too, but my husband is not a fan. I have to eat the whole plate too! Oh Darn.


Wow, you do eat well!


it's daikon or chinese radish, not turnip. i think the mix up is because turnip and radish are considered same but trust me, those were radish cake. i have the recipe in my blog:)

Christopher Butcher

Hi! I've been reading your blog for about a year now and I wanted to say I really enjoy it. I'm from Brampton myself (currently living downtown in Toronto though), and have visited Japan 3 times in the past few years. Getting to see your perspective on the differences between the two, and how you've adapted your lifestyle to fit has been enlightening and helpful to me as I make my own future plans.

Your visits home--to settings that are generally familiar to me--are particularly illuminating.

Thanks for all of the effort you put into this blog, I (and probably lots of lurkers like myself) really enjoy it.


- Christopher


Wow, such a variety of different cuisine and mouthwatering pictures!

Yeah, as a Chinese from Hong Kong, I can tell you that the "turnip/radish" cakes are in fact made from something very similar if not identical to Japanese daikon radishes. However, for some reason it tends to get translated as "turnip cakes". Perhaps because the usual western "radishes" are the small, typically red ones while "turnips" at least look more whitish like daikon?

@Christine: take a look at http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/File:Xianshuijiao.jpg and see if that's the football-shaped dim sum you had. Or is it more like a steamed dumpling?


Turnip cakes are made from daikon which are known in other parts of asia as chinese radish, etc. It's known colloquially as "turnip cake" but the lady was wrong, it's really made from daikon -- I make it myself at home. The cantonese name is "lo bak go" (sorry my pronunciation and thus spelling is terrible). There's variants on it, including a lovely taro version, and it's definitely one of my favorite dim sum dishes :) Having to eat an entire dish at one go like you had to though would be a bit too much, delicious as they are!


What a lovely post about your trip home. Nothing beats eating your way around where you came from. I do the same when I return to Singapore. And who would've thought bedding was the culprit for leg cramps?!

Anna Lisa

I've always loved your blog, but it's just escalated to adoration in light of those rhinocerous photos! My friends and I used to do that as kids, and had hours of fun, but I always assumed it was a north-east English thing. This post has aroused so many blissful childhood memories, so thankyou! And you're looking so beautiful, congratulations. Pregnancy suits you!


Christine, I think CB is right and they are xian shui jiao. I love them too, that combination of crisp, chewy and soft is wonderful!

Thanks Terri, CB, and Anna for the turnip/radish info. I also hate using "radish" for daikon, as it's not really the same thing, so can kind of understand why "turnip" is used. Maybe I should just call these cakes "lo bak go".

Thanks Christopher. It's always nice to hear from a fellow Bramptonite!

CB, thanks for helping to solve the turnip cake/deep-fried football mysteries!

Anna, yes- one or two pieces are lovely, but it's really hard to finish a whole plate. By the time I was done I was almost agreeing with everyone that "it has no taste".

Astrorainfall, I bet you eat really, really well when you go home to Singapore! I'd love to go someday.

Anna Lisa, thanks! You're the first person I've met who knows the rhino horn trick. Maybe it really is a north-east English thing and my ancestors brought it with them centuries ago when they came over from Britain. I've tried to teach people in Japan how to stick maple seeds on their noses but they're never impressed and always ask "but why?". An amazing number of Japanese kids also don't know that maple seeds twirl like helicopter propellers when dropped.

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